Oxford Public School
Affiliated To C.B.S.E. Delhi
Affiliation Code - 2130440
School Code – 09233


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Admission Open For Session 2025-26.

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Welcome To Oxford Public School

“The progress of a society depends not on the abundance of its resources, nor on the strength of its felicitations nor on the beauty of its public building but consists in the number of its cultivated citizens, in its people of education enlightening and character”.These words of Martin Luther King highlight the role of education in the progress of a society. In fact, this was very well realized by the founder Chairman Mr. Teja Singh Mangat & he became the pioneer to establish a CBSE school in a very very remote place in 1991. Now, Mr. Gurkripal Singh Mangat is carrying out the vision, dream, hope and desire of his father, the founder Chairman.

Late Mr. Teja Singh Mangat
"Founder Chairman"


Chairman's Desk

“ It is always my aim to impart the true meaning of education to students. Right education can eradicate corruption, desparity, dishonesty, immorality from this world. I try to combine education with an awareness for our rich cultural, patriotic, spiritual and devotional heritage and nationalism. ” Year after year, it is indeed gratifying , when I see that my students are thriving well in their respective fields and proving themselves as able citizens of India. The institute, its faculty and the management stand committed to bring about the multidimensional growth of a personality. “ Education constructs healthy, Creative, Fruitful mind”. That is my vision and mission.

Gurkirpal Singh Mangat


Principal's Desk

“The Purpose of education is to discipline a mind, work and activity. Education is growth. Its a congregation of all virtues . Therefore the main aim is to create academically excellent students with healthy , fruitful, enlightened mind to play a constructive role in the society . I wish to make an appeal to you all my students that regulate the daily routine in such a way that there is a time slot for studies, games, recreation and other social activities which leads to the fitness of body , heart and mind.

Dr. Jhumpa Mal